
Please Pick the Flowers

Well, it's hot here.  Today my car read 106 before 2pm!  Needless to say, there aren't many flowers in these parts - as they need a less hostile environment to thrive.  My rose bushes bloom, but by the time the evening rolls around, they're - literally - toast!

Needless to say, I was delighted to find these alternatives to the real thing while nosing around Etsy today.  I love each and every one of these beauties. 

Beautiful tissue....

Orange Kisses

Orange Kisses

Unbelievable.  This is soap!

Satin and Birch

Satin and Birch

One or two of these in my hair, please.....

Paper + Ribbons

Paper + Ribbons

And these make me want to get married all over again, just so I could have one on my dresser.
So lovely......

Lionsgate Designs
Lionsgate Designs
Lionsgate Designs


  1. You have a most wonderful blog, and I want to thank you so much for picturing my soap! I will be sure to check back often.
    Best Wishes to you!
    Satin and Birch on Etsy

  2. thanks so much for including my hair clips - this is such a beautiful blog!
