
Just for Fun

These are just a few of the fun little things I've cooked up lately (hee hee). I've been playing around with shrink plastic! Its so FUN to watch it shrink down in the oven. I know, I'm a little too old for that kind of "thrill", but really am easily amused. These are available in my Etsy shop. And because it so fun to do, look for more soon!


Etsy Vintage LOVE

Lately, I've become more than a little obsessed with one of the coolest Flickr groups in existance. Wardrobe Remix has inspired me to get back into thrift stores, scour Ebay, brake at garage and estate sale signs and have some FUN with my clothes again. This mommy is stuck in the jeans, t-shirt, flip flop waltz! Well, not for long.
This obsession inspired an Etsy treasury that I made today. I can't believe how many exceptional vintage shops there are on Etsy. Below is a list of the shops I highlighted in my treasury. Click on them and have some fun!